The world today is obsessed with technology. Obsessed with being the next YouTube star, or the next monster streamer like “Ninja;” or they want to be on the next American Idol – it is the drive to be noticed.
Videos get you noticed. We know this. You know this. The world knows this.
Before websites like YouTube existed, there were people that would take videos with their friends and have “premier nights” and show off their video editing skills, now everyone has a smart phone with a camera on it. These cameras will you get you noticed – well that’s what they think anyway. What people do not realize is that it is not always the looks of the person taking the photos – rather if they are funny, beautiful, stupid, political, or a mix of the above – it is the content that gets them noticed. You can have the beautiful clueless woman, but the reason this is going to viral, not because of her cluelessness, is that there is an underlying message in the simplicity of it.
Content is not always easy. There are people who have the job of being a “content creator” and they are fine with it. Content has to come with a problem that is able to be solved. If there is no content, and the video is just there because the creator of the video thought, “oh this is funny. I will post it…” Most likely at this point the video will get a few looks, but it doesn’t solve anything. People will not watch it. There has to be a point behind each video for a person to watch and it has to cater to a specific group of people to make that group want to watch again.
When creating your content keep aware that the people have to want to watch it. They are going to want to have to sit through whatever you have to say over the 50 million other videos at their disposal at that minute in time.
Next time we will look at some hot topics in content and how you can achieve an easy way to gain content!