What Drives Us

What Drives Us

The world today is obsessed with technology. Obsessed with being the next YouTube star, or the next monster streamer like “Ninja;” or they want to be on the next American Idol – it is the drive to be noticed. Videos get you noticed. We know this. You know this. The...
The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 3

The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 3

FollowFollowFollow If you didn’t catch our first two articles on social media, you can find them using the links below. In Part 1, we covered the basics and where to start, which social media platforms to consider and more. Part 2 focuses on getting relevant...
The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 2

The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 2

FollowFollowFollow If you didn’t catch our first article on social media, go back and check it out here. We covered the basics and where to start, which social media platforms you should be thinking about and more!  “The Musician’s Image” is a series on...
The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 1

The Musician’s Image: Social Media Pt. 1

FollowFollowFollow  “The Musician’s Image” is a series on successful musicianship that will consist of three subjects: social media, website and PR/Advertising. This is Part 1 out of 3 Parts covering Social Media.   As an artist of any kind, your #1...